Friday, October 31, 2008

Geometry Notes 10/31-11/5

If you missed classes on any of these dates Read pages SB12 and SB13 in your CPM Book.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Geometry Homework

Complete the last 10 problems from the packet given to you two weeks ago.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Algebra II Honors- Homework

10/27; Springboard Book page9; #10-11

Friday, October 24, 2008

Geometry 10/22-31

If you missed class these dates read page 125 in your text book. As well as Page SB18 and SB19.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

End of Quarter

Reminder- Last Day to make up anything is Tuesday 10/22!!!

If you have me on 'A' day your E.O.Q. is on Friday 10/17
If you have me on 'B' day your E.O.Q. is on Thursday 10/16

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Geometry Notes 10/8+10/9

If you missed notes on these 2 days make sure you get them from another student in the class!! Reading pages SB2,3, and 4 could help too!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Journal Entries

If you missed any journal entries this quarter. Take your notebook home and complete them. Remember it is part of your grade!!!

Here they are according to the classes.

Journal Entries
Quarter 1
9/5- GeometryH 4A- Explain how to solve this equation .

9/8-9/9- All Classes- Explain how to simplify the following expression so that a 4th grader could understand it.

9/22- Algebra II honors- Create a linear equation on your own and explain the following
a) how would you graph it
b) what it’s x and y intercepts are.

10/02- All Classes- Write 3 things you learned from the topics we covered in this past section. Write 2 things you found interesting and 1 question you still might have.

Graphing linear equations

Geometry Anticipation Guide 10/6 +7

Anticipation Guide
Answer the following statements below by checking off whether or not you agree or disagree with each statement.

1. y=mx+b is said to be the equation of a line written in slope-intercept form.
2. Slope of a line is determined by the ratio of its horizontal change over its vertical change.
3. Negative slopes go up from the left side of the coordinate plane to the right side.
4. In your y=mx+b equation the ‘b’ represents the slope of your line.
5. A horizontal line has no slope.
6. If the slope of one line is 7, then a line that is parallel to it has a slope of

7. Perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals.
8. If we are given the slope of a line and a point that lies on the line, then we can find its equation.
9. 4x + 2y =12 is the same as y = -2x +6
10. To find the y-intercept you could substitute 0 for x in your linear equation.

Geometry Notes 10/6+10/7

Linear Equations

Linear Equation- An Equation that represents a line graph. Ex. y=mx+b
Slope- The steepness or flatness of a line as well as its direction.
Y-intercept- where your graph crosses the y- axis
X-intercept- where your graph crosses the x- axis
Parallel lines- Lines that never intersect have the same slope or the same m.
Perpendicular lines- lines that form a 90 degree angle upon intersection. Their slopes are negative, reciprocals of each other. Ex. If one slope is 3 then the line perpendicular to it is – 1/3


This is the slope-intercept form for the equation of a line, it shows what the slope is and what the y-intercept is.
M= the slope of the line. RISE OVER RUN
B= the y- intercept
x and y are any point on your graph.
When you write an equation you do not include the x and y because they can be multiple points
Ex. Y=3x+7, slope = 3 or 3 over 1, y-intercept = 7

Graphing a Line using slope-intercept form

When graphing a line you only need two points.
Make sure your equation is in y=mx+b form
Plot a point on your b, that is your y-intercept. This is your 1st Point.
From your y-intercept, use your slope to graph the next point. Rise (if m is positive) or Drop (if m is negative) then run to the right. Plot your next point at that spot. Ex. 3/2 is the slope. Rise 3, run to the right 2, then plot your point.
Finally draw a line through your two points, with arrows at each end

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Algebra II Honors- Quiz

MONDAY (10/6)- Topics include Linear Equations, Domain and Range, Functions.